Checkout 16 Wildes Pics In Case You Forgot It's A Jungle Is Real

Actually, You don't head out into your backyard (which you'd have to cut through brush with a machete to navigate) wondering if a tiger's gonna try to eat you.
If I'm right, the most breathtaking and dangerous wildlife we have to deal with is other people. Today, we're gonna focus on the breathtaking aspect because that's a little more fun.


1. Well, I suppose the first thing to worry about in a jungle (even a metaphorical one) is monsoon season.

Fortunately, it seems like Marilyn Monroe has teamed up with some unknown but very considerate sculptor to provide us shelter from those terrible storms.

Reddit | folkov

2. Yikes! I guess nothing wakes you up on the road like thinking the apocalypse is happening behind you.

It's actually a sunset, but good luck telling an overtired and panicking brain that. I guess the only saving grace is that end times are usually noisy.

Reddit | mrballloonhands


3. Considering that some folks will ask people who don't even work there stuff, this shirt is absolutely necessary.

And I think it's a safe bet to assume that "how do you actually put this stuff together?" counts as a hard question.

Reddit | Woodlands_Creature

4. Um, OK, she looks vaguely unhappy, but I don't see what's so special about this p— Gah!

Yeah, I guess I can see why she's so frustrated now. I can't imagine it's easy to type when your hands are made of ginger.

Reddit | opensourcepirate

Instagram | @evarellala

There is nothing better than getting a really good night's sleep.

But sometimes, for whatever reason, we can't fall asleep no matter how many cups of chamomile we brew.

Thankfully, there are a ton of beauty products out there for precisely that problem.

Your nightly ritual is about to get a lot more peaceful...

1. Lush Sleepy Lotion

Slather on this amazing lavender lotion, and you'll be hitting the hay in no time.

Falling asleep while keeping your skin silky smooth has never been so easy.
Instagram | @kureijineko

2. De Mamiel Restorative Cleaning Balm

This cleansing balm is the perfect product for winding down.

It will wash away the long work day while soothing and cooling your skin. It comes in a ton of luxurious scents that are perfect for de-stressing.
Instagram | @beautyheroes

3. Sleep Plus Pillow Spray

Once you've tried this pillow spray, you won't be able to live without it.

Just spray it on your pillow before bed, and let the fragrant mixture of lavender and chamomile do its thing.
Instagram | @thisworksofficial

4. Nurse Jaime Beauty Bear Age Defy Pillow

Get the most luxurious sleep of your life with this pillow.

It's designed to offer you more support for your neck and lumbar muscles, while its satin cover is said to help prevent wrinkles.

5. I'm not sure how effective this new, crochet-based superhero team is gonna be.

I can't argue with their sense of style, but unless you're Daredevil, fighting bad guys you can't see is pretty difficult.

And that's assuming they don't crash on the way to the fight.
Reddit | Humpyhempy

6. Well, if that ain't just the most adorable piece of construction equipment I ever did see.

The thought of some big, burly construction worker firing her up and saying, "OK, Princess Bubblegum, let's get to work," is an oddly comforting one.
Tumblr | crap-userrname16

7. Wow, that's a much bigger smile than you'd see on me if I tried something like this.

Even before the train jolted me into an even more uncomfortable position, all you'd see would be a look of pure regret followed by very awkward walking.
Reddit | worldbeyondyourown

8. They'll probably want to ensure this kid stays very happy if his tears literally haunt the furniture like this.

And as if it wasn't bad enough that the little tyke managed to make such a spooky face, the face is crying, too. Coincidence?

Instagram | @wot_u_sayin_tho

9. This person obviously has to cancel whatever plans they've got now.

If they just let this challenge to their honor and valor go unanswered, they'll never be able to show their face there again.

Can they live with missing out on whatever you win at bingo?
Instagram | @wot_u_sayin_tho

10. Unless he just has flowers for some reason, I think this fine young man is pulling these gnarly stunts for love.

If he manages to avoid flipping the table and hurting himself, he'll at least have swept me off my feet.
The Chive

11. Well, I suppose this is a good reminder that sometimes, you just have to know when you're beaten.

I'm not sure if this contest had any prize besides bragging rights, but the sad truth is that not everybody can win the pineapple crown.
Reddit | mercury895

12. Look, I'm as on board with saving the bees as the next guy, but I really don't see how this helps achieve that.

And just because two of them are giving me the hairy eyeball right now, that doesn't make my point any less valid.
Twitter | @clubdrugstore

13. Yes, the fact that this person's mastered flight is very impressive and all, but there's something I can't get past here.

What the hell is that guy on the bottom right looking at that's more interesting than what's going on in this picture?
The Chive

14. This is what Hugh Laurie thinks of your little rules.

You'll notice that he is definitely not 25 feet away from this sign. Why, this brazen rebel probably isn't even two feet away from it!

I'd love it if this was his audition for House.
Reddit | iS1M5

15. This woman's about to learn that just because they can't walk on land, that doesn't mean you can turn your back on them.

They don't get the same bad press as sharks, but whales and dolphins can be sneaky buggers if you're not careful.
Reddit | [deleted]

16. On second thought, maybe a whale isn't the worst thing you can have sneaking up on you.

I think I'd prefer some playful mischief over whatever this hulking brute has in mind right about now.

I don't he's gonna love them and call them George.
Imgur | MKBigKid

Checkout 16 Wildes Pics In Case You Forgot It's A Jungle Is Real Checkout 16 Wildes Pics In Case You Forgot It's A Jungle Is Real Reviewed by MediaBreakOutNg on October 20, 2017 Rating: 5

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