After three decades in show business, Matt LeBlanc is ready to retire.
The 50-year-old on Conan Monday said “I would like to retire earlier than later, because I think I would like to do not a f–king thing. That’s what I would like to do. Just nothing. Nothing! Zero.”
LeBlanc said on a “typical day,” he would like to “sleep as long as you want…or get up early, if you want.” No matter the situation, the actor wants to be calling the shots.
“It’s just not having to go somewhere or having someone else telling you what you have to do,” LeBlanc explained. “Maybe you go to the gym…or not go to the gym. Maybe you have nine cups of coffee…or not.”
LeBlanc was also asked how he deals with people asking him about a Friends reunion, he answered, “First of all, I think it’s great that the show still holds up. It’s on all the time, everywhere. It’s kind of great. But the Friends reunion question is funny. I guess it depends on my mood. Sometimes I’ll say, ‘Oh, yeah—that ship has sailed. It’s not going to happen. It’s about a finite amount of time in people’s lives—blah, blah, blah,” LeBlanc answered. “Sometimes I’ll say, ‘It was on last night—and you missed it! It was awesome! Where were you? It was unbelievable!'”
Matt LeBlanc Is Ready To Retire At Age 50
Reviewed by MediaBreakOutNg
August 23, 2017

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