Game of Thrones Locations Around The World

The locations in the Game of Thrones series are really beautiful on screen, they are even more beautiful in real life. Visiting these scenes are something of joy. Go to to begin planning your visit ASAP.
1. Thorufoss
Remember this bloody scene in Season 4 where Daenerys' dragon called Drogon, attacks a goat by the beautiful waterfall. That waterfall, named Thorufoss, is located in Iceland. It is a very beautiful place to be in real life.
2. Thingvellir National Park
We all remember this scene as The Bloody Gate except if we lived in Iceland. I mean if you were in Iceland, you would know about the beautiful Thingvellir National Park in Iceland. Actually, the Bloody Gate is CGI and not there in real life.
3. Stakkholtsgja
The loot train dragon attack in Season 7 was a beautiful battlefront. It was filmed at Stakkholtsgja also in Iceland.
4. Kirkjufell
If you love mountains or hiking in the snow, you would find The Mountain Shaped Like an Arrowhead fascinating. Remember the hound’s stories, there are many myths following this fascinating mountain you should go see at Kirkjufell.
5. Itzurun Beach
You know Dragonstone? Yeah, who doesn’t? It is one of the most recurrent locations in Game of Thrones last season. In real life, it is Itzurun Beach in Zumaia, Spain.
6. Alcázar of Seville
Sunspear, also known as the Old Palace in Dorne is called Alcázar of Seville in real life. The stunning city is in Sunny Spain.
7. Itálica
The Dragonpit is that huge structure in King's Landing that used to be Targaryen’s giant stable for their dragons. In real life, the Dragonpit was filmed in Itálica, Spain.
8. Castillo de Zafra
Who was born in The Tower of Joy? Jon Snow! The gorgeous Tower of Joy is actually called Castillo de Zafra in Spain.
One of the best ways to enjoy yourself is to re-live your favourite scenes in Game of Thrones and visit them. The sweet feeling imagining or even watching your favourite episodes while sitting in any of these locations is incomparable. Book a cheap flight to wherever you want at
Game of Thrones Locations Around The World Game of Thrones Locations Around The World Reviewed by UrbanFeverNG on April 26, 2019 Rating: 5

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