Christian Eze – No God Like Jehovah (Prod. By Hiskingsliness)

There are many stories (both true and false) about different people who dies and try to rise on the third day.

There are many stories of people finding the secrets to the existence of the universe. Science has its school of though and many more.

These mysteries only shows that He who owns the universe, died and rose on the third day just as HE said, has the answer.

He is the all knowing God and Him alone stands sure.
What others are trying to do, He has done and he reigns forever even in ascension.

Brothers and sisters, I present to you, the God who has the final say over everything. His name is Jesus and No man, No god is greater than Him.

Is a song that speaks of the greatness of God in an exciting and interesting way as Produced by HisKingsliness.

So put on your dancing shoes and celebrate the God of awesome wonders.


[DOWNLOAD] Gospel Music: Christian Eze – No God Like Jehovah (Prod. By Hiskingsliness)

Christian Eze – No God Like Jehovah (Prod. By Hiskingsliness) Christian Eze – No God Like Jehovah (Prod. By Hiskingsliness)

Reviewed by UrbanFeverNG on April 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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