St. Lee – Tribute To Dj Genesis Feat. Trazy x McDow x Gabski x Surplus

It’s been months after the death of “The Ever Blazing Dj” Popularly
known as “Dj Genesis” but his name and legacy will forever remain
and leave in the hearts of not just his fans, family and well wishers
but the street.
St. Lee comes through with yet another classic soul touching song to
remind us that “Dj Genesis” still rules the street, St. Lee features
“McDow, Gabski, Surplus and former rap diva of then G-Squad 007
Trazy” this song was produced by none other but benues finest
producer “Joe Waxy”. Download, Share And
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St. Lee – Tribute To Dj Genesis Feat. Trazy x McDow x Gabski x Surplus St. Lee – Tribute To Dj Genesis Feat. Trazy x McDow x Gabski x Surplus Reviewed by UrbanFeverNG on October 18, 2018 Rating: 5

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